All things related to your wages

Wages are paid on the last Friday of every month. However, payroll data is taken from the penultimate (second to last) Friday of the month.

If we look at how this works.


A tutor begins working at Westcountry SEN on the 12th of August. So, as you can see from the calendar, their pay includes all the tutoring and their contracted pay up to the 20th of August.

However, they won’t be paid for this work until the 27th of August. If the tutor doesn’t realise this, they may think a whole week’s worth of pay is missing from their pay, but that week will be included in their next pay.

If you have any problems with your pay slip or want to ask any questions, Marie Staley-Ellis who you would have had correspondence with when you first joined is our HR and Payroll manager.

You can always contact her on [email protected]