Breast Ironing

Breast ironing is regarded as a hidden abuse. Prevalent in part of West Africa, particularly Cameroon, there are increasingly more incidents of this abuse in the UK.

What is Breast ironing?

The use of stones, hammers, bricks and implements to pound the breasts of young girls.

Why is it carried out?

In the belief that this will make the girl look younger and not as if she is going through puberty. It is often done to prevent the girl from being subject to sexual assault, forced marriage or rape and to prevent pregnancies which could mean the end of a girl’s education. So, the intention is not evil, but the risks and the pain endured by the girls can be appalling and include. 

  • Cysts
  • Difficulty with breastfeeding
  • Breast cancer
  • The possible eradication of one or both breasts.

Detection as with FGM is difficult and because most breast ironing is carried out by mothers, girls rarely disclose as they might worry that their mothers will get into trouble, or indeed they may feel that it is being done for their own good.

As with FGM, any concerns about breast ironing, or disclosures must be reported to your DSL and following the normal procedures.

Breast ironing is currently not covered by any specific legislation but is regarded as physical abuse.