Domestic Abuse


If a child discloses incidents and experiences of domestic abuse, then as with all other disclosures, you must listen carefully and report to the DSL immediately.

If you feel that the child is at immediate risk, then contact the police.

As with all disclosures, support and reassure the child that they are doing a brave thing which is a good thing, do not ask leading questions and follow the guidance of disclosure.

Remember that by supporting and reporting abuse, you are taking the most important first steps. You are not a rescuer.

If an experience like this causes you distress or raises personal issues, please also ensure that you seek support and guidance.

The following websites offer professional support:


Women’s Aid


Domestic abuse is a pattern of behaviour designed to exert physical, mental and emotional power over a partner.

The latest update available to schools about domestic abuse is called Operation Encompass. Although Westcountry SEN is not a school, we feel that it is crucial that all tutors are aware of child protection updates. You can find out more about Operation Encompass here.

Domestic abuse is a crime.

Sadly, children can be witnesses of domestic abuse and can fear for the safety and life of themselves and of the parent who is the victim.

Like most abuse, children and victims can feel a sense of responsibility for the action of the perpetrator. 

BUT, domestic abuse is never the fault of the victim.