
Holiday hours are taken as per your contract dictates. Everyone is entitled to 28 days (pro rata if working part time).

Holiday requests

To make a request for holiday, please email

[email protected] and also copy in [email protected]

Please note:

Christmas period

Westcountry Practice (the tutoring centres) has a history of shutting down for two weeks over the Christmas period.

This is so client managers, receptionist’s and Westcountry SEN staff can take two weeks off before the festive period and not have to remain on call.  No tuition takes place during that time and holiday hours are paid.

Throughout the rest of the year Westcountry Practice and Westcountry SEN does not shut down or stop tutoring during the school holidays. It is up to you to submit holiday requests.

May – July Holiday requests

Holiday requests need to be carefully thought about in these months. In the UK SAT’s, Common Entrance Exams, GCSE’s and A levels are all taken within these months. If you are working with a student who is taking exams and you submit a holiday request, your student is likely to feel abandoned when they need you the most.

From the last week in July through to the first week in September, Westcountry SEN’s tutoring hours drop due to students finishing or students deregistering for the summer. Taking holiday in the two weeks before this period (End of Exams and start of summer holidays) puts a significant strain on Westcountry SEN and no two tutors will be granted holiday leave within that time, and we would expect it to only be for unavoidable circumstances.