Physical Abuse

Physical abuse is when someone hurts a child or young person on purpose or causes them to be hurt by others.

In many ways, signs of Physical abuse are easier to spot than many other cases of abuse. However, injuries can be deliberately targeted at areas of the body which are often covered. As we discussed earlier, children and teenagers are often in situations where they can hurt themselves – falling off bikes, or playground equipment. But these accidental injuries are often things that children like to show/boast about.  Your antennae need to be alert to the presence of frequent, unexplained and unidentified injuries, marks or hurts. 

As the Metropolitan police guide describes, generic examples of physical abuse include:

Signs and symptoms of physical abuse in children can include:

  • unexplained recurrent injuries, marks or burns
  • covering injuries with clothing even in hot weather
  • fear of physical contact and shrinking back if touched

If you are concerned that a child has been physically abused, or that they are in danger of being so, you must report it immediately, either to your DSL using the normal protocol or by ringing 999 if you feel that the child is in immediate danger