Rewarding Growth

Westcountry SEN values growth at all times. Growth of the student, growth of our staff and growth of any individual, family or organisation working with Westcountry SEN.

Westcountry SEN looks to promote growth from within the organisation wherever possible. Tutors become mentors, mentors may become client managers and opportunities open up wherever possible.

Training and self-improvement are a core feature of all staff progression. From administrative staff through to tutors, everyone is encouraged to continue learning and developing themselves. Westcountry SEN will support all development and personal growth wherever possible.

Westcountry SEN also strives to grow as an organisation to support students and their families to have happier family lives by reducing the stress that can occur during a student’s academic journey.  We strive to help as many students as possible to have a trajectory to positive self-esteem with their ability to learn and achieve.

However, growth is not possible unless all members of the organisation are committed to organisational growth, and this growth is a dynamic relationship between the organisation and all the members within it. Without each member of the organisation working towards growth, growth is not always possible.

Having all members of the group working together is why Westcountry SEN likes to reward tutors for any additional students that come from hard work and recommendations.

Westcountry SEN has a tutor Affiliate scheme

An affiliate scheme where any student that starts tuition with Westcountry SEN or Westcountry Tuition through the tutors’ recommendation leads to an additional payment within your salary.

An affiliate scheme is where you intentionally let a potential client know about our tutoring services, that client calls up and begins tutoring with us, then you receive money in return for the recommendation for the lifetime of the tuition and for every lesson that student has whilst you are employed with us.

This is an example of how an affiliate scheme works.

You meet a parent one day when you are out with your family, you strike up a conversation and the parent asks you what your job is. You let them know what you do, and this leads to a conversation about the parent’s child and how they are struggling with their education. You let them know about Westcountry SEN and Westcountry Tuition and give them Westcountry SEN’s main office number (01747 859102). The client rings a week later, mentions they spoke to you and after we have done our Westcountry SEN assessment, that client enrols their child and starts tuition with us. In return for your recommendation, you now get a small payment for every lesson that child has.  This student will probably have tuition for the next 18 months, so you will have a bonus payment for this client for the next 18 months.

Every tutor will be paid the same rate for any successful referrals you bring to us, £1 per session. This might initially seem a very small amount and not worth the effort. Luckily for me in my old job my colleagues thought the same (we were paid 25pence per client) which is why I did so well as no-one else bothered with it.

But look at it in action.

You let 5 clients know about us in the first 2 months. Most students have a lesson every week, so that’s £5 a week so £20 a month. Then, a couple of months later, you let another three clients know where they can get tuition. That then changes to
The original £5 per week plus another £3 = £8 per week and £32 a month.

Affiliate schemes with clients that have weekly sessions really can build up a monthly bonus for affiliates fast. In my old job, I persuaded the owner to print some flyers for me and I left these flyers in various places which had a code on them, so every time a client phoned up a client phoned up and gave the code I attributed the affiliate fee.  Westcountry SEN would do the same for you if you were interested.

The best bit about affiliate schemes is that you are paid for sessions that OTHER tutors do in both Westcountry SEN and Westcountry Tuition. Westcountry Tuition covers all the GCSE’s, A levels and University subjects and has a vast army of approved tutors who cover all subjects.

Just say over the next 6 months you have recommended 15 clients to Westcountry SEN or Tuition and they are having weekly tuition, you will get £60 a month extra in your wages.

From day one you can choose what happens with the affiliate scheme money. You can either have it paid into your bank on top of your normal wages. Or you can have the bonus paid into your pension *

If you have the bonus paid on top of your wages, you will need to pay tax on it. However, Westcountry SEN will also be paying employers national insurance and employers’ taxes on top of it too.

If you organise with Marie (our accounts manager) that it can go into your pension scheme with us there is no tax on it and you will build your pension pot up faster. It depends on whether you want short or long terms gains from it.

Lastly, you might wonder how you would get clients to say you told them about us.

One line will always work.

“Do give them a call. They might not have any space, but if you let them know I said (let them know your name), I’m sure they will find a space”.

When we take referrals, we always find out how the client heard about us, so you will be mentioned, even if by first name if you recommend either company to a potential client.

PS for the sake of fairness, you will not know if an affiliate has been added to any of your students. You will only know if you have been added to a student as an affiliate.

Organisational growth is something we all strive for. It is not about greater profits and margins, as any long term Westcountry SEN employee will tell you, it’s about improving our resources, teaching areas, staff training opportunities which all benefit our future students and improves your working life too.

*A Workplace pension is available for tutors who meet the necessary criteria for enrolment