

What is a whistleblower?

It is a person who reports wrongdoing usually at work, but not necessarily. The report must be in the public interest, rather than a private matter. 

Government legislation protects whistleblowers and provides support. Details can be found here on the Government website..

If you have concerns about practices or activities at Westcountry SEN, either in the past, present or what might happen in the future, you can and should report these.

How do I do this?

Westcountry SEN has a whistleblowing policy. It provides clear instructions as to how to proceed.

Download the Whistleblowing Policy

If you are unable to report to your line manager as your complaint or disclosure makes this impossible, then you should report to the Tutor Association. This can be done in writing/email, or by telephone.

If your concern is that a child or young person may be in imminent danger because of practices or activities, then you should contact the DSL if this is applicable. Otherwise, contact the LADO or the police.

Please take time to read through the Westcountry whistleblowing policy so that you are conversant with it.