Who to contact and When

In any situation that requires a quick response, you should call 01747 859102. This is the the main front desk number. It is currently manned 1.30pm – 6.30pm Monday to Friday, There is an on-call system for out of hours emergencies.

If there is no answer, when you leave a message on this number, whoever is in in charge of the main desk phone will pick it up and allocate the problem / information to where it needs to go.

If the message hasn’t been answered or picked up, we have an intelligent answerphone service that will forward the message from the main desk phone to the practice Mobile. If for any reason the message is still not picked up  it will then be automatically forwarded to the Directors mobile.


If you are calling in sick and are unable to work from home online. You must call the main desk number an hour before you are due to start.

Please under no circumstances send a text or an email.

Contacting Mentors

If you want to talk anything through with your Mentor, such as wanting to discuss a student, policy or something to do with your lessons, your mentor will have given you their email address and contact number.

You can contact Mentors by emailing or leaving a message and they will get back to you within 24 hours and offer you a contact time that is mutually convenient.

Payroll and HR

If you have concerns to do with your pay, your references and DBS Marie Staley-Ellis [email protected] Is the person to contact.

If you email her, she will pick up the message and get back to you within 2 working days.

Client Mangers

Your client manager is shown on your tutoring request confirmation email. They are  responsible for supporting and communicating with the clients (normally the parents).

Client Managers (like Mentors) normally have their own case load of students / children, so they will get back to you within 24 hours.

Safeguarding concerns.

Follow the guidance within the safeguarding policy.

Technical Support – Whiteboard failure.

As laid out in the Online whiteboard failure policy, technology failures will happen occasionally. Please follow the guidelines in this policy.