Working Online

Westcountry SEN uses a modified version of Bitpaper. This is connected via your dashboard and can be accessed via the calendar.

As other chapters have stated, you are only allowed to use this software which Westcountry SEN pays for.

You will need to make sure you have submitted your unique code (see the “how to use the system” section for instructions on how to get the code).

The most important aspect of the whiteboard is that you make it as interactive and engaging as possible.

It is also very important to make sure the paper is not white to avoid screen glare. Your assigned mentor will support you to feel more confident with the whiteboard.

Whiteboard papers are permanent records. Use screenshots cut to size, or the snipping tool if you have windows 10 or a modern iOS to upload questions, rather than write them out. Students can go back to past lessons and open the whiteboard for revision, if you have clear questions and workings below, they can follow what was done. A page full of scribble and workings with no initial question is not helpful for any revision. It would be as useful as a piece of paper with no written question and just full of workings out, the student will not remember what any of it was for.

The best way of using the whiteboard for older students who are to take an exam, would be to upload questions onto the first page and then use the subsequent pages to answer the questions with workings and demonstrations, that way when a student is revising, they can just use the first page to try the questions again.

Your Mentor will give you training on How to use the Whiteboard.


Working online from your home.

It is important that you keep a professional persona and remain within Westcountry SEN’s code of practice. This is easy to do when you are working in the tutoring centres, but also very easy to slip out of when you are working from home.

You should always ensure your home tutoring space is in a professional and confidential area. For example, a spare room to the rest of your household and where your pets are not going to distract you.

Be mindful about what the camera will show while working online, what will the student see in the background? For example, it would not be appropriate if you were to have your sleeping area in the background.

Please be mindful of any personal items or any items that have a political or charged issue connected to them. Whilst you are entitled to hold any views in your personal life, Westcountry SEN is as neutral as possible in all political, religious, social issues.

Please note, Westcountry SEN is able to check your lesson hours and time spent on Bitpaper. Due to the expense, and data regulations, Tutors are not allowed to use Westcountry SEN’s online tutoring platform for their own personal use. A record is kept which shows how much time a tutor has used the platform, any sessions used that do not directly match a Westcountry SEN student or a training session will require an internal investigation.  Any tutor who is found to have done this will be expected to repay the cost and the dismissal process will be started.

Online Safeguarding Policy

In this section, we are going to discuss how to keep yourself and your student safe whilst working online.

Online tutoring is defined as a live synchronous tutoring session, provided by a human tutor over the internet.

Lesson Geography

Tutors and Clients may purchase online lessons from any geographical location in the world if there is stable internet available. Whilst clients are free to have the session anywhere they choose, Westcountry SEN tutors are only permitted to conduct the session in a Westcountry SEN Practice room, or in the tutor’s home. No other setting is permitted without prior permission from your learning manager.


Westcountry SEN tutors always maintain professional standards and ensure confidentiality. Tutors must maintain this confidentiality and integrity in their dealings with potential, current and past clients while working online also. When working from home, tutors must ensure their tutees and clients have a confidential space where other family members will not interrupt.

Child Safety and protection

Online tutoring involves putting minors in direct contact with adult tutors, over the internet by video and/or audio. Westcountry SEN has clear Child Safety processes and procedures. However, Westcountry SEN has additional codes of practice regarding online sessions.

  • Children must be fully clothed (not including footwear). If a session starts and the child is not wearing appropriate clothing, the tutor must request the child to dress. If this request is not met, the tutor must phone the parents/guardians and request this. The session must switch to audio only if the child cannot comply. Nightwear that covers the torso and lower body is appropriate. All instances of inappropriate dress must be reported without delay to the learning manager.
  • Tutors are responsible for alerting parents if the child is deemed to be doing anything that may cause them harm during the session. The tutor must phone the parents in all instances to stop this behaviour and report back to their ClientManager or Mentor
  • Technology

All of Westcountry SEN’s online lessons involve an integration of the login via Westcountry SEN’s website, and an integration between Tutorcruncher and Bitpaper. The process of delivering online lessons between Westcountry SEN’s tutors and clients must not deviate from the use of this technology, even if this technology fails. No other technology is permitted to be used at any time, such as zoom or Facetime.

Use of equipment

Working online involves using your own computer (if working from home). A computer in Westcountry Practice if working in a tutoring centre and a graphics tablet.

Westcountry SEN provides standard graphics tablets. If you require a higher specification one, or want one with additional writing features, you are welcome to buy you own. The cost of higher specification graphics tablets is between £60-£100.

It is important you use your graphics tablet and get used to it. Mentors will support you to work with them so you are freer and can make the tuition more interactive.

Parents and other family members in the room.

You may find that the child is not alone or in a separate room. You should not feel self-conscious about this and just carry on. However, if you find the family/pets noise is an issue, speak to your

Client Manager. If you’re struggling to work knowing that you might be listened to, book some time with your mentor who will give you some strategies to help.

It is always important to acknowledge parents or other people in the room. That way they might decide to leave or not. Don’t include them in the conversation, but just saying hello to them keeps you in a friendly open position.